Spain's "final solution" 1749: how they tried to get rid of the gypsies
Gitano culture and language are so closely intertwined with those of Andalucía as to be almost indistinguishable. But Spain has long had an ambiguous attitude towards the Romani people, saluting them as bearers of folkloric traditions such as flamenco and sevillanas with one hand while clearing them out of their homes with the other. 19th century romantic stereotype of gitano culture The word "gitano" is derived from egiptano , an archaic Spanish word for Egyptian (today they use egipcio ). The English word "gypsy" has the same root. However they originated from the Punjab region in northern India, nowhere near Egypt. The reason for the misnomer is unclear - some may have entered Europe via Egypt, or perhaps European mistook them for Egyptians because of their appearance. The first Romani arrived in Spain early in the 15th century, travelling in large family groups, and in 1425 were given a guarantee of safe conduct by the King to make a pilgrimage to Santiago de...